Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's been a while....

Well, I certainly haven't been the best at keeping things up to date here have I?

I do apologize. Back in late April, early May, my mother, who was 58 and had been battling ovarian cancer for nearly 6 years, took a turn for the worse. I went down to North Carolina and took care of her for nearly the last month of her life and was with her when she died. It was life altering to say the least, and I havent recovered well from it. I had more special moments in those few short weeks with her than I had my entire life time and they affected me much more deeply than I ever imagined.

Since then, I have found it hard to keep up with alot of my day to day things...though my birds and my babies never lack. On the day that my mother died, I got a very special gift. I have a pair of conures...Jack, who is a normal green cheek conure and his little gal Abby, who is a cinnamon green cheek. They had made several attempts at having clutches, but none successful to that date. When I left for North Carolina, Abby was again sitting on eggs.

My daughter, bless her heart, was tasked with keeping up with my birds, as many were on eggs at the time. I wasnt overly concerned though, with Jack and Abby, as they had yet to have a successful hatch. Many fertiles indeed, but the airpockets were always in the wrong places and they never made it to hatching.

Imagine my surprise when my daughter informed me that they had a successful hatch the day that my mother died. We are now the proud human parents of Graham, a combination of the names Granny and mama....and he will be a life long baby for us! He is a normal looking male split to cinnamon, though I dont know if he will ever be paired up as he now holds an extremely important place in my heart.

There is an old saying that says with every death, a new life begins....well Graham was our new life and for that he will always be my special little boy!

Till next time....

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